Thursday, 5 July 2012

How I got hit by The Boyfriend Bus Part Two

So after hockey tour I still had some of SB's belongings (using my tried and tested method of securing further dates with men - keep some of their stuff/leave some of yours and you have to meet up again). We set up another date for the Wednesday, but I requested something "non-boozy" as I had my end of year exams the next week, plus the fact I needed to de-tox from tour somewhat.

We met up "for something to eat or something," and wandered off to an italian restaurant. He held my hand the whole way. You have know idea how much that made my heart just soar.
At the restaurant we had a proper laugh, and I felt really relaxed. We had a massive pig out, finishing off 3/4 of a metre of pizza....
I went back to his (really lovely) flat AND....we finally had actual sex!

2 days later was the re-opening of our student union, after it being closed for re-furbishment all year, i.e. a massive booze up. It was a pretty busy night with most of the student body being there, and because it was the night of the England Sweden game everyone was on pretty good form. SB turned up after the football and apparently I got in a bit of a mood, but only because I wanted him to be there! After we got kicked out at closing, I was hanging around outside, SB was next to me and talking to someone else, and WelshBoy came up to meet and asked me to come home. Pretty sure SB didn't hear, but I had to make desperate, yet subtle "GO AWAY GO AWAY GO AWAY" eyes at him. He got the message eventually.

SB and I made our way to the nightbus stop, and he attempted the "soooo, should we have the 'chat?'" conversation. I pulled the idiot card - "what chat is that?"

"You know the one where we agree not to see other people?"


I think I panicked a bit, and said something along the lines of, "ahh ok, let's talk about this another time."

And then the bus came.

Fast forward to the next week, and my exams start (which by the way, went very well, I passed with a merit!). They were all in the morning, and so on Wednesday afternoon we did that sickening annoying couple thing of draping ourselves over each other in a park. We even bought a picnic.


I had to walk past all of my corridor revising as I left, and so got a rousing song as I left....after the picnic we watched Inception. And had a bit of a argument debate about it.

So there we have it. I went to Cambridge that weekend for a dinner, and R asked me for sex. And I said no, because of SB. The last week or so I've been over quite a few times, watching films, going for meals, hanging out over lunch, it's been rather lovely. I've even told my mum about him! Which obviously means it's official - I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!

(Not entirely sure what I'm going to do with the premise of this blog....typical - I start writing about being single and then BOOM - I go and get loved up....)


  1. Oh em GEE how exciting! I've been wondering where you've been hiding woman. Fabulous news xxx

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