Thursday, 5 July 2012

How I got hit by The Boyfriend Bus Part One

[thanks to @singleinshires for the title :) ]

A week after I initially got with SailorBoy (SB) I was going on hockey tour to Holland. We were due to meet at the station at 5.30am (urgh) on the Friday morning. A few days earlier SB texted asking if I’d like to go for a drink and the only day I had free that week was the Thursday night before tour.

I wasn’t entirely sure my thoughts on him at this point in time, but I knew we were going on tour together and didn’t want things to be at all awkward so off I went. We went to a really cute little pub near where me live (he lives 10 mins down the road), and had really quite a few drinks. We got on really well, despite my body deciding it needed to go to the toilet about five times during the night….embarassing.

The next morning we were off to Holland. For those unfamiliar with the concept of sports tours it goes as such:

Go some foreign with a “sports” team.
Attempt some sort of ramshackle attempt at playing something resembling a sport. Inevitably lose.

It was both the men’s and women’s teams that went, plus some extra few who don’t actually play hockey but came just for the fun, SB included. We got the train out to…somewhere, and then got on the ferry to Holland which is where the fun really started. One of the other girls (who I really like), suggested that everytime someone said something that could be followed by “That’s what she said,” instead should be followed by “That’s what Vix said to Rob.”

This of course carried on all weekend. :D

The ferry was great fun. Once we got to Holland we then had to get more trains, which was definitely trough time for many people. At the campsite we then had to put up tents in the windiest conditions ever, to the point where tents were being destroyed. We all piled into the clubhouse where the bar was and proceeded to have a ball, excellent music, danced with SB. Ended up in his tiny one man tent...

It was pretty cold, so he offered to go and get my sleeping bag and a jumper from my tent. HE WAS GONE FOR AGES.

Apparently he'd wandered over to the girl's tents, and proceeded to enter every single one, trying to find mine. Most of the girls were in said tents and the whole escapade was recounted at length the next morning,
"Yeah SB came into our tent asking if it was yours, he tried to pull me out of my sleeping bag to check" etc etc

Again, we didn't actually have sex.

Saturday was spent "playing" hockey. SB was on funnel duty on day, and I had one embarrassing moment where I attempted a funnel and managed to spit it out everywhere. In front of pretty much everyone. Go me.

At some point on Saturday, (not entirely sure when, whole weekend was slightly blurry), I ended up in my tent with SB, and we'd pretty much got down to being naked when there was a voice outside the tent, "SB, fresher challenge, five minutes" !!! Cheers for that mate.

Saturday night was spent dancing with SB again, and again staying in his tent. We walked across the astroturf and he grabbed my hand.....once in the tent we both passed out immediately. Birds of a feather and all that.

Sunday morning: incredible amount of people winding me up about SB. We got kicked out of the campsite and trooped off to the beach. The boys were doing their own thing and getting drunk again so I didn't actually manage to say bye to SB. I did, however still have his toothbrush and his chain, which he'd left in his tent..

Still can't believe I lugged my heavy tent all the way to Holland, had a massive stress out putting it up, then didn't even use it....

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