2 were….fine. Lovely guys, had a nice night etc etc but knew nothing more would come of it.
1 was…odd. For starters he was late – a massive no no in my book. He then said, “Oh I wasn’t even going to come, I’m surprised you’re here.” Umm. Ok….we then went to a bar when he decided to spring on me that he didn’t drink.
Now I’m not being judgemental, but going out and getting a bit merry is quite a large part of what I do at the weekend, and whether this is right or wrong, I don’t think I could go out with someone who doesn’t drink. For starters they probably wouldn’t want to go out with me, as I am a liability/mess/loud/annoying etc etc
So so far, we’ve had two strikes. We then had very little to talk about. It was tedious. And he was odd. Just odd. Could not wait to get out of there.
The most recent guy I met was better. He lives really close to me, and we met up at a local bar. He was hot, had a good job, and……HAS A PHD IN ASTROPHYSICS. Yes, that’s right, the man’s a rocket scientist. Now working for a bank. So rich. Clever. Good looking. Fun. Ticking. The. Boxes. I named him DrR. As in Dr Rocketscience.
We got s-mashed. I don’t remember the end of the night. But I was very VERY good, and came straight home, didn’t even kiss him or anything. My god I was hungover the next day though.
We had a second date the next week, when the weather was doing strange things and being absolutely glorious. We spent the evening in a rooftop bar overlooking St Paul’s – was beautiful, followed by some food. Again, went really well. Again, no funny business. We set up a third date, but in a while because I was going on holiday for two weeks.
I went on holiday, got back to London, and he cancelled on me. Week later I asked if wanted to do anything, and he invited me out on that Saturday night with his friends, “on the lash to watch the fc cup final.” That was odd. I wasn’t sure whether to take it as a compliment that he was inviting me out with friends (probably a good thing?), but at the same time – I’d only met him twice, wasn’t sure how keen I’d be with all his friends. Bit uncomfortable? So I made an excuse not to go.
Not heard much since. Walked past where we went on the date recently, texted him – got a text back….but no suggestion of another date, despite me making it clear I’d say yes if he asked.
So what gives? We had 2 really good dates, and then once again – just stops talking to me. I can’t win! I put out straight away with Toga, and haven’t even kissed DrR and yet they both lost interest. What am I doing wrong?? I’m pretty sure I don’t come off as a psycho. I don’t constantly ring/text every two minutes. I’m not needy, I’m fun, I can hold a conversation. What horrendous vibe am I giving off so that I can’t sustain someone’s interest for longer than five minutes? What’s inherently wrong with me?
Nothing is wrong with you boys are just turds at times. Confusing turds at that. X