Monday, 29 August 2016

The First Date, aka Breaking All of "The Rules"

There's a lot of advice for dating out there. A lot of "rules." A lot of "don't do this on a first date." A lot of "don't text them too much," or do this, or do that. And definitely "Don't sleep with someone on the first date." And I guess some of it could be good advice?

And then, sometimes you meet someone, who you have just so much in common, that it's just so easy to talk to, that you are just so on *fire* with in bed, that suddenly all these rules and regulations about what you *should* do when dating somebody new just go take a flying jump out of a 25 storey window.....


This has essentially happened to me in the last ten days. Let's rewind to just under three weeks ago, a fairly benign Wednesday. I got a message on OkC from a guy who on a cursory glance was pretty hot. 92% match rate (which basically means he's probably into some kind of kink, and likely a Dominant). His opening gambit on his profile was, "Not looking for anything serious, just someone to get wicked drunk with and eat double stuff Oreos."

I was cool with that. I replied to his message which set off an entire days worth of easy flowing conversation over text, culminating with him asking me out for a drink. Unfortunately this couldn't actually be done until over a week later, on the following Friday. We spend the entirety of the next week, messaging a LOT. I get really bloody excited for the date because he seems really REALLY cool. So Friday finally arrives, and, as first dates go, this was has got to be possibly My Best One Ever. (NB by this point I've nicknamed him Radio Boy, or RB for short, because he's a producer for a local radio station. Original af, I know....)

We met at a outdoor bar in the trendy hipster part of town, the sun was shining and he walked in looking 100% bang tidy. He has the most incredible piercing blue eyes, and a perfect white grin. I was lost in the smile instantaneously. And he was well dressed. Like trendy, but not dickhead hipster in dungarees trendy. I can't even remember exactly what we talked about, but it was relaxed and easy going, and we have so bloody much in common. From tastes in music, to going to festivals, to films to morals and ethics around drugs and going out, to how frustrating it is that EVERYONE IS BLOODY GETTING MARRIED AND HAVING BABIES, how we never ever want to start sleepwalking through life....I mean, we even had a conversation about how Finn and Poe Dameron from The Force Awakens are *definitely* gay. (Seriously, talking to me about Star Wars? Major points).

We moved onto another bar, and after a drink or two ended up sitting side by side on a bench in a little alcove. Who knows what I was saying but in the middle of a conversation we just looked at each other, and then all of a sudden we were kissing and fuck me, I nearly fell off my seat. 

I think by this point it may have been around midnight as we were kicked out of that bar, so walked into the main part of town. Stopped off at a tequila bar ran by some friends of his (he used to work as a barman, and hence seems to now know ALL barmen). Moved onto a cosy little absinthe cocktail bar where we stayed until three am talking about bloody Game of Thrones and how incredible it is, interspersed with more snogging. 

(I think by this point I was fairly smitten).

3am comes and goes....and there's only one way this is ending. I ask if he wants to come back to mine. He was quite surprised by this, but agreed...

My flatmates aren't in, so we sit in the kitchen after making some final gin and tonics. We start kissing again, and getting carried away I drop to my knees, unbutton his trousers, and start sucking him off right there. Obviously this doesn't last long as I need to get him upstairs to my bedroom.

Now. As I previously mentioned, this man had a high % match with me on OkC. I mention D/s on my own profile, and his opening message to me ended with "oh, and points for the D/s line." So I obviously had an inkling that he was going to Dominantly inclined. 

And oh boy. He was. 

I'll just leave these here as an example of what the night entailed.....

Next morning he had to go to work around lunchtime, but immediately wanted to set up seeing me again the next night, as well as "doing something next week more proper than just burying my head between your thighs"... which I duly agreed to. Sunday night was a repeat, incredible performance. And he gave off a vibe that he was enjoying it as much as me... 

"You tick a lot of boxes."

"I definitely wasn't expecting to end up in bed with you."

"This has gone a lot better than I imagined."

This isn't how it's meant to go! It's not meant to be this easy! You're not meant to click with someone this hard and this well so quickly. You're meant to play by the rules, and play it cool and and and.......

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