I ended up with a boy that I've known since Christmas, who is an all round lovely lovely man. I'm not entirely sure how it happened, but all of a sudden we were up on my corridor and he was showing me the secret rooftop and then we ended up in my room, so you know, why not??
I'm going on hockey tour next weekend and it's themed - pirates and sailors. I am a sailor, and as such have bought a little white sailor hat and blue scarf thing. We were chatting about it (he's going too), and I was telling him about the theme and I put the stuff on. Just over my normal clothes. You know, to show him?
There's a knock on the door and I open it to my next door neighbour and a friend holding mugs of tea. Unfortunately I didn't really think this through as I still had the hat and scarf on. Which they found hilarious. I then received a BARRAGE of texts for the next hour or so, all along the lines of "ahoy sailor," "Is he into roleplay?" "Yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me."
Fast forward two days. EVERYONE KNOWS. Everyone. I had complete strangers coming up to me and asking about it.
Excellent work, well done me. I am forever going to be known as SailorGirl.
In other news, remember WelshBoy? I ended up with him again last night (this week has been majorly slutty, it's been awesome). I came right out and just asked him if he had a girlfriend,
(which basically means I admitted to facebook stalking him. Smooth, REALLY REALLY SMOOTH)
He said no. When I asked him why they broke up he said, "I got bored of her." (!)
I'm not entirely sure how it happened, but we ended up in a bush outside where I live. Didn't do anything in there. I just like hanging out in plants apparently. We made it up to my room thankfully.
Man alive, he's HOT. And he's really tanned. And he's pretty stacked. And he has the cutest Welsh twang. And he's utter filth. This HAS to happen again.